Thank you everyone for the warm wishes at the sudden loss of my dear dog Juju. I miss her every day. Funny how attached we get to our pets.
Sadly we knew we couldn't bring another dog into our home because our Puggle is such a grouch with other dogs.
Well one Saturday about a month ago, after exercising and breakfast with a friend, I ended up at the local animal shelter. Just to look mind you.
I mean, while I'd been gone only a couple hours one of my pets could have gotten loose and been picked up by animal control. They could, at that very moment, be languishing in a kennel wondering why I wasn't rescuing them. It could happen. It could. Admit it.
So on my drive home. In the opposite direction actually. But it could have been on the way home . . . if I lived that way. I stopped to look.
And that's what I did.
Okay, I pet too. And cooed. And baby talked. And spread a lot of love. And told them all how I wished I could take every single one home.
Yes, I could be a hoarder but I'd be a good one not a bad one. Just saying.
So last stop was the cat room. Only because it's on the way out. Really. That's the truth.
I like cats and have always wanted one. But it had to be one with longer hair, pretty eyes, that didn't bite or claw. Not easy to find let me tell you. Cats just are usually feisty and occasionally bite or claw.
Oh, yeah, did I mention my husband isn't a big cat lover and I'm quite allergic?
Well, guess what? You'll never guess.
They had my cat there!
I convinced everyone to give it a go and brought Tobias home. He is a five year old Maine Coon that in less than a few hours weaseled his way into our family's hearts. He is also best buds with our 12 year old lab mix.
Every day I take an allergy pill although I'm thinking I may have to go prescription. But it's worth it. I'd get a shot if I had to.
He is so mellow. He doesn't bite or claw even if I rub his belly or play with his paws. Yes, I can rub his belly. Rub his fur the wrong way and touch his feet. You heard that correctly. Maybe he thinks he's a dog.
Toby seems more than happy and tell us every chance he gets. We don't know anything about his past but he's very loving, gets a long with dogs, and likes popcorn. Oh, yeah, he begs for it with the dogs.
The only problem is that Toby likes to sleep on the pillow above my head and groom my hair. It makes for interesting do's in the morning let me tell you. What's a girl to do?