June 11, 2012

Love Some Labels

I love to be organized.  (Doesn't always mean I am . . . but people often say I am.)

Looks can be deceiving, huh?

I love labels too.

Last year I finally bought one of those portable label things
But it doesn't have the fun AND function I like my labels to have.  So I use it for a lot of things but not for everything.

I whipped up some new labels for my "in" baskets.  Which actually aren't baskets at all but drawers.  (Well a couple go on baskets but that's neither here nor there.)

Have I mentioned I love drawers?

I am actually going to buy a few more of these as soon as I see a sale and do a Pinterest inspired make over on them.  But that's a future post.

2073 - ClearView™ Small 3 Drawer Unit

Okay, I seriously need to focus.  Summer brain runs rampant and on a tangent could have been the title of this post!

Anyway, I made some labels for my drawers.  (Funny how that makes me think of panties . . . and speaking of panties this comic strip from a few days ago just tickled me!)

Baby Blues Cartoon for Jun/06/2012

But I digress yet again.

I made a set with bees (for those wacko like me) and a set without for those of you who are more sane.  Take your pick . . . of labels not mental states! :)  Just click on the picture to download.

I love black and white too.
(I think I need another twelve step program or pill or something. lol)


  1. I love the bees!! I think I am going to purchase them!!

  2. Thank you soo much for the bee things! I am doing a bee thing next year and it is so fabulous! :)


    1. Let me know if you need any bee things made for you Meg. I've got about every bee clip art you could imagine. I've also got a few items on TN.

  3. These came out awesome! I have a lot of drawer inspired Pinterest projects in my future as well. :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. Oh! You made me labels!! (Don't you love how I think they are just for me!) Bees for you and without for me. PERFECT! hmmm... never thought of using drawers for an inbasket. Love it though! What goes in corrections?

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

    1. HA! You are very funny! My correction drawer is for papers that need correcting. The kids know to check it each day for any of their papers after doing morning work. If they have any, they do them, I check them, and they can go in their mailbox to go home. I like my class very self-serve and teaching responsibility is a big part of second grade.

  5. Very cute! You are not whacko! I like everything to be matchy-matchy!
    Rowdy in First Grade

  6. I love the bee theme! I have a yellow classroom and a bee theme too so I'm always on the look out for more. I'm new to the whole blogging thing but maybe you could check mine out sometime:)

    The Busy Busy Hive

  7. You have to bee cute...bees are perfectly cute!
    My Second Sense


Thanks for filling my bucket!