April 09, 2012

Wanna Win?

My vacation is over.

I'm so sad.

It's been a blast having three whole days off from school but all good things must come to an end.

My couch and computer will miss me deeply.  My pj's will miss me.

I will miss them much more though than they'll miss me.

On a happier note, the Honey Bunch is having an April Fool's Day linky.  If you share your favorite April Fool's joke, prank, or story you could win half off of a package 2 design which includes a background, header, sidebar titles, signature, post divider, and button.

So run, don't walk and enter now!!



  1. It looks like we've traded - your vacation ended and Room 114's has just begun. Come on over - we tagged you too :)


    Stories from Room 114

  2. I will have to go check out your giveaway!! I hope you are having a good week!


Thanks for filling my bucket!