June 20, 2014

Organizing TpT Purchases

OMGosh!  I have to do better about keeping up with this blog.  My summer goal is to post once a week.  We'll see if I can do it.

I've cut back on blog design work so I can actually have a life during the summer and spend more time with family and friends.  I'll post more about my inspiration behind that decision later.

I've been on vacation for two weeks now and we've had rain and thunderstorms every day except one or two.  I actually love thunderstorms and listening to it rain!  Plus, I've read four books!  FOUR!!

However, my planters are still empty and my yard is in serious need of some work.  But isn't summer all about "I can do it tomorrow!"??

I've also caught up on some blog stalking.  Whew!  Those were some late nights let me tell you!

Somewhere, I don't recall where, I saw this awesome idea of creating secret Pinterest boards to organize your TpT or TN purchases.  Brilliant I say!!

Can't tell you how many times I've tried to find a specific item to download at home or school and can't....without scrolling through way.too.many purchases to mention!  :)

So this week, I set out to organize my stuff on secret boards.


1.  Open your Pinterest account and scroll way down to the end of your boards until you see this and click on "Create a secret board":

2.  Set up boards for every category you want.  (You can see some of mine above.)

3.  Next go to your TpT or TN account and open your purchases.

4.  Open each separate purchase and pin it to the appropriate secret board you created.

Do NOT create a new board while in the pin it part of Pinterest (like in the image below) because it won't be created as a "secret" board...although you probably can change that later.

Now your pins will take you right to the product you purchased!

Absolutely brilliant!

If you know the amazing blogger who figured this out please let me know...I'd like to send her flowers or at least a virtual hug!

UPDATE:  This is where I may have seen this - Pawsitively Teaching's Made It Monday/Tried It Tuesday - so I'm sending a virtual hug & flowers to Pawsitively right now!!

It is so simple and easy...just time consuming if you have a purchase list like I do!  Give it a try today or soon...I promise you won't regret it!


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    1. The Honey Bunch: Organizing Tpt Purchases >>>>> Download Now

      >>>>> Download Full

      The Honey Bunch: Organizing Tpt Purchases >>>>> Download LINK

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      The Honey Bunch: Organizing Tpt Purchases >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK Jz

  2. Brilliant! Thanks for sharing.

  3. So glad we are not limited to the number of secret boards any longer! This will make things much easier. Thanks!

    1. I'm glad they don't either!

    2. Thanks for the help! The only problem is that I have 507 purchases. :P Little at a time should do it.

  4. Just found your blog and it is adorable! Maybe you got your Pinterest inspiration from one of my Monday Made It posts? Here is the link to what I wrote....I would be honored if it actually helped someone out :)

    Pawsitively Teaching.

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Thanks for filling my bucket!