October 20, 2012

Subject or Predicate Game

Sometimes at the end of the day when we are waiting for the bell to ring, we'll sing songs like the Sentence Song to fill the time productively.  The other day someone picked the Sentence Song to sing and another little dear went and grabbed the Sentence Shazam! game and handed it to me.  That is how much they love it.

They loved it so much that I decided to make a Subject or Predicate Shazam!

You could play this and sing the Subject and Predicate Song to help your little peanuts learn these concepts.

Click the picture to go to my Teacher's Notebook shop

My kiddos requested more shazam! cards for this version because they like them.  Go figure!  You could take out some if need be.

I'll give away a copy of this game to a random commenter.


  1. Fun!! Just found your cute blog. :) I'm a new follower!

    Second Grade Sparkle

  2. I teach fourth, and we're still working on sentences! I am going to use your Shazam game tomorrow, thank you!

  3. I teach fourth, and we're still working on sentences! I am going to use your Shazam game tomorrow, thank you!


Thanks for filling my bucket!